Tuesday 24 July 2007

Chinese in Malaysia

merdeka is nearby, and found out a video clip in youtube. hahaha, can say very meaningfull for all chinese in malaysia. This guy really funny and not affraid of get sue. So please enjoy the movie clip. Hey man, i support u!!!

Next Gen PC Design Competiton

pic from : microsoft
This is wat i talking about, johnny leung a young designer from hong kong tat now still study at australia. haha... make chinese pruod, n jealous ur talent... still hav more design in microsoft site, can go ther hav a look.

Monday 23 July 2007

Microsoft Surface

上个星期经朋友介绍知道了 microsoft 的新发明,很有概念感,可是不能当成真正的 computer 使用..... 美中不足, 但是是一种突破. 这讯息早已在香港的周刊上报道了,可是马来西亚没有刊登. 很慢的马来西亚. 我也同时在milk上看到一个香港年轻设计师设计的未来computer, 受到bill gate 的青睐, 多吊啊.